Courses & Workshops

Draw and Paint Owls
Learn to draw owls one of nature’s most enigmatic nocturnal predators; the owl.
Learn to draw owls one of nature’s most enigmatic nocturnal predators; the owl.
Over this course there will be a mix of drawing activities and longer painted studies. We will look at anatomy, gesture drawing, movement and flight, feather textures and colour, working from beautiful reference photos and videos. Create characterful watercolour paintings following along with step by step demonstrations.
This will be a fun class with the chance to explore different media and techniques, working mainly in pencil, ink, and watercolour, with demonstrations and tuition from artist and tutor Bethany Milam. Suitable for all abilities, including beginners.
There are five resident owl species found in the UK, while worldwide there are about 250 species of owls. We will be looking at drawing a small selection of owl species during class, but you will be encouraged to learn more about your favourites through making study pages in your sketchbooks.
Learn how to Draw and Paint Owls Course Content: More than 10hrs video content, course plan and materials lists, downloadable presentation slides and reference images, 2 grided reference photos, useful links, example study pages and paintings.
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Over this course there will be a mix of drawing activities and longer painted studies. We will look at anatomy, gesture drawing, movement and flight, feather textures and colour, working from beautiful reference photos and videos. Create characterful watercolour paintings following along with step by step demonstrations.
This will be a fun class with the chance to explore different media and techniques, working mainly in pencil, ink, and watercolour, with demonstrations and tuition from artist and tutor Bethany Milam. Suitable for all abilities, including beginners.
There are five resident owl species found in the UK, while worldwide there are about 250 species of owls. We will be looking at drawing a small selection of owl species during class, but you will be encouraged to learn more about your favourites through making study pages in your sketchbooks.
Learn how to Draw and Paint Owls Course Content: More than 10hrs video content, course plan and materials lists, downloadable presentation slides and reference images, 2 grided reference photos, useful links, example study pages and paintings.
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